
100Women Who Care Regina is a community organization located in Regina, Saskatchewan that brings together women from Regina and surrounding areas who care about their community. Four times a year, for one hour, members meet to jointly select one of three charities working to improve their community.

Each member commits to donating $100 to the chosen charity. With over 100 members, this means more than $10,000 raised in just one hour for a local charity. With four meetings a year, 100+ Women Who Care raise over $40,000 annually. As of June 5, 2023, 100+Women Who Care Regina has over 165+ members, raising just over $500,940 to give back to our community since 2016.


Dragonfly Child & Family Wellness Centre was the nominated charity at the June 3rd, 2024 meeting.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is on Monday, September 9th, 2024, at the Atlas Hotel.

Nominees for this quarter include:

YWCA’s Here For Her Capital Campaign

Break-Free Outreach

Oxford House Saskatchewan

Future Meeting Dates:

  • November 25, 2024

Join Us

If you want to be part of a powerful group of local women who create immediate impactful change, 100+ Women Who Care is always accepting new members.

100+women x $100 each  = $10,000+ / 4 times a year!

A group of empowering women making a positive impact on our local charities and non profit organizations in our community!